Blog 2 - The truth is that our finest moments most likely occur ...

The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur
when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled.
For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort,
that we are likely to step out of our ruts
and start searching for different ways
or truer answers.

~ M. Scott Peck ~

The past few weeks we have blessed with warm, sunny days. People seemed more content, happy, as kids splashed about in paddling pools, and we engaged in eating delicious ice creams and cool ice lollies.  We connected more with mother nature by being outdoors – walking, BBQing, camping, idling sitting in the sun to day dream. Have you noticed how when we get older we don’t daydream enough?

The sun somehow helps us forget about the tasks, jobs that need to be done. Yes, of course, there is the occasion whinge of “it’s too hot” or “this weather is ok when you are on holiday and have nothing to do.” Yet, on the whole I believe we have relished the yang sun energy. We have been revitalised and for certain our bodies, and ultimately our souls, have been nourished. Despite perhaps the lack of the sleep, due to the heat, we have all felt better – more alive, more positive and more willing to connect with each other. For me this has been exquisite and the days have passed blissfully, enjoying the walk to and from school, working outdoors, etc.  

This week saw the return of cooler weather and it was a shock to my system. I love the warmth and the sun. I’m sure that in a previous life I have been a reptile. I began to move from a contented space to a space of discontent. An uncomfortable space and as I moved inward I began to question this new adventure, this yogic lifestyle, that I have chosen. Was it all I thought it would be? Why do I feel fragmented? Unfulfilled? Unsatisfied? Constantly on the go? Running to stand still? I disliked all these painful, what some might call night negative, emotions and I fought to get myself out of it. And then I stopped! Breathed and in that moment, I knew, now in this moment, it was time to walk my talk -  to sit with these emotions and allow them to be. There was no rush, no hurry for them to pass. Sit with them, be with them, welcome them …what lessons, insights did they have in store for me?.......

When you welcome your emotions as teachers,
every emotion brings good news,
even the ones that are painful.

~ Gary Zukav & Linda Francis - from "The Heart Of The Soul" ~

The previous week, I’d been contemplating applying for a teaching assistant role at the kids’ school. Heaven knows why? Somehow, I thought maybe having a ‘proper job’ again would fill this void, this emptiness. In the end, I decided not to apply as the role wasn’t one that would bring me alive but what would, would be working within a team environment again. It was the people contact I was craving for and contributing to something bigger than myself. Wednesday came along and this was my big day to catch up on yoga business stuff but for one reason and other, that all went to pot and by 11am I hadn’t done anything on my list. So, change of tact and I set about updating my CV and searching for jobs on online.  Sadly, I ducked out of lunch with friends to focus on this but my heart wasn’t in it. I was feeling very meh!!! Coincidently it was a year to the day (not the date) that my dear friend Helen moved on to a new dimension. She didn’t have a choice anymore I did...…Thanks to a brief conversation with my husband, the fog began to lift and the view became clearer … I want to teach yoga, to have my own studio and cafĂ©, that’s the dream … to live my yoga and I came up with the 3P’s that will, for now help me to refocus … Plan, Prepare, Practice.

In a moment of stillness, I was reminded of the rocks, pebbles and sand story. The time I had to devote to my business was being consumed by sand. Time to rebalance …. Focus on the rocks which is why I’m writing this now. If you are not familiar with the story or would like a reminder, click on the link – take 3 mins to watch ….

I hadn’t got a theme for my Wednesday vinyasa class, so with 10 minutes to go I went inward, opened up my trusty Melody Beattie, Journey into the Heart book and this is the page it opened on and what I shared with my students.

Sometimes, the road ahead is blocked,
but clearing the way becomes part of our journey.
Learn to tell when it’s time to let go, to surrender, to search for another road, a different path, a different dream.
But also learn to tell when it’s time to move forward, through obstacles if need be, because the dream is electric, charged by Divine energy and love.


  1. Loved reading this! Behind you every step of the way, always! Stay focused......Breathe.... Be brave.... be strong.... Embrace and navigate challenges in your own time.... Welcome change.... Believe in yourself!!.... Relax and Enjoy and pursue that dream, knowing that you are loved and supported by many! :) xxx


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